The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

19 June 2012

Libtalker Slams Ann Romney Over 'Elite Sport' MS Therapy


Mean Machine Targets Ann Romney

Here's another one we can't pin entirely on a single angry libtalker: the sick new "progressive" war against Ann Romney.

Her crime? A love for horses and what she sees as therapeutic while dealing with the effects of Multiple Sclerosis.

Despite following nationally-recognized advice for soothing the debilitating symptoms of MS, she's been derided by the left for participating in an "elitist sport", dressage. Ann's 15-year-old mare has won a place in this summer's London Olympic Games.

First, it was MSNBMean's Larry O'Donnell spouting off about this, followed by today's example from hate-filled libtalker Bill Press:

BILL PRESS (12:28): This is what’s so BS about that right? We can’t criticize her [Ann Romney] for having this elitist sport because she has MS right, so he ties it right to that, yeah as if everybody whose got MS this is the answer to it.

This is what doctors prescribe. Oh you have MS ah well I have an easy cure, just go out and buy a dressage horse and you’ll be just fine.

And yet here's what the National Library of Medicine recommends for MS patients:

The following may also be helpful for people with MS:

Physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and support groups

Assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, bed lifts, shower chairs, walkers, and wall bars

A planned exercise program early in the course of the disorder

A healthy lifestyle, with good nutrition and enough rest and relaxation

Avoiding fatigue, stress, temperature extremes, and illness

Isn't this low-stress activity exactly what Ann Romney should be doing?

The bigger question: do our "progressive" friends really feel this is a winning strategy for November?


  • Bulletin: Liberals are an evil, mean-spirited sub-human species having a mental disorder.

    By Anonymous Roger Willits, at 20 June, 2012 18:28  

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