MSNBC's Partisan Anti-Cheney Crusade
MSNBC Pushes Drunken Cheney Conspiracy Theory
While MSNBC has long been an outlet for liberal cable talk, when did it
become a haven for fringe partisan conspiracy theories? On the perpetually low-rated NBC-owned news channel, three segments have now aired accusing Cheney of hunting while drunk.
Topping them all, Wednesday evening's unhinged Al Franken meltdown (video at Expose The Left) was proudly presented by the increasingly liberal Scarborough Country, where host Joe Scarborough appears imminently poised to join the likes of Arianna Huffington and David Brock on the dark side.
With partners-in-crime Keith Olbermann and Lawrence O'Donnell on previous MSNBC shows, Scarborough allowed Franken to push this kooky theory:
Beyond his increasingly obvious leftist loyalties, why is Scarborough so consistently accommodating to Franken's needs? As we reported in December:
Scarborough's ties to "Pap", a notorious Florida-based trial lawyer, even caused a mini-scandal at MSNBC:
Earlier Wednesday, it was fellow MSNBC host Keith Olbermann who aggressively pushed the loaded Cheney theory, steering an interview with Texas Monthly's Paul Burka almost entirely in that direction. Expose The Left also has the video here.
Combined with Lawrence O'Donnell's fact-free assertions of the same nature, we now have an obvious trend: MSNBC is not willing to treat Cheney honestly or fairly.
And liberals are surprised the Veep picked FOX News for his interview?
Think Franken stopped there? Guess again. Appearing for a live chat on behalf of the Olympian newspaper in Washington state, Franken had some additional Cheney "jokes". Is this funny?
Again, because the Radio Equalizer has a hard time "getting" Franken's alleged "jokes", perhaps one of our lefty friends can enlighten us as to why it's funny to accuse Cheney of intentionally shooting someone in order to sidestep an already-fading political controversy.
ALSO: In the Washington Post today, Howard Kurtz explores Cheney's decision to be interviewed by Brit Hume. There's plenty of whining by sour-grapes media insiders and partisan operatives about why Cheney picked FOX News over their sorry networks.
UPDATE: more CNN sour grapes, Drudge lead.
UPDATE: Howard Kurtz has media and blogospheric roundup here.
Welcome GOPinion, National Journal's Hotline and Orbusmax readers!
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MSNBC Pushes Drunken Cheney Conspiracy Theory
While MSNBC has long been an outlet for liberal cable talk, when did it
Topping them all, Wednesday evening's unhinged Al Franken meltdown (video at Expose The Left) was proudly presented by the increasingly liberal Scarborough Country, where host Joe Scarborough appears imminently poised to join the likes of Arianna Huffington and David Brock on the dark side.
With partners-in-crime Keith Olbermann and Lawrence O'Donnell on previous MSNBC shows, Scarborough allowed Franken to push this kooky theory:
AL FRANKEN: It’s inconceivable that you don’t go to the hospital unless there’s a reason you don’t go to the hospital. If you had been drinking you wouldn’t go to the hospital. Or, you’re an amazing jerk, that’s the other, or both.
Beyond his increasingly obvious leftist loyalties, why is Scarborough so consistently accommodating to Franken's needs? As we reported in December:
...until 2003 Scarborough was part of Mike Papantonio's Florida law firm. The two continue to seem close, with the latter still appearing on "Scarborough Country" from time to time.
Known by his knickname "Pap", trial lawyer Papantonio is not only one of Air America's weekend hosts, but plays key roles in parent company Piquant LLC's business affairs and internal legal issues. He's a boardmember and major investor, holding several million units and warrants.
Scarborough's ties to "Pap", a notorious Florida-based trial lawyer, even caused a mini-scandal at MSNBC:
When Scarborough left Congress in 2001, he joined the firm, only to leave in 2003 after an on-air incident, exposed by the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz, left him red-faced:
Two weeks ago, MSNBC talk show host Joe Scarborough introduced a guest, attorney Mike Papantonio, to point a finger at the "Rat of the Week."
Papantonio slammed a wood-preserving company called Osmose, saying it makes a dangerous product used in playground equipment and has "figured out how to poison our children and make a profit in the meantime."
What Scarborough didn't say is that Papantonio is his law partner, and that their firm has filed a lawsuit against Osmose. Instead, he urged viewers to demand that the government recall the company's product.
Earlier Wednesday, it was fellow MSNBC host Keith Olbermann who aggressively pushed the loaded Cheney theory, steering an interview with Texas Monthly's Paul Burka almost entirely in that direction. Expose The Left also has the video here.
Combined with Lawrence O'Donnell's fact-free assertions of the same nature, we now have an obvious trend: MSNBC is not willing to treat Cheney honestly or fairly.
And liberals are surprised the Veep picked FOX News for his interview?
Dan, Sioux Falls: What do you think of Cheney choosing Fox for his first interview since the hunting accident?
Franken: I found it puzzling.
Sam, St. Paul: Why do you think the media has been so focused on the Cheney incident when the Libby story is so much more important?
Franken: I think that's a great point, why do you think Cheney shot the guy? I don't think Scooter Libby necessarily said that he was instructed to out Plame, I think he said he was instructed to leak classified information, that may be it, but I don't think he was necessarily told to out Plame.
Again, because the Radio Equalizer has a hard time "getting" Franken's alleged "jokes", perhaps one of our lefty friends can enlighten us as to why it's funny to accuse Cheney of intentionally shooting someone in order to sidestep an already-fading political controversy.
ALSO: In the Washington Post today, Howard Kurtz explores Cheney's decision to be interviewed by Brit Hume. There's plenty of whining by sour-grapes media insiders and partisan operatives about why Cheney picked FOX News over their sorry networks.
UPDATE: more CNN sour grapes, Drudge lead.
UPDATE: Howard Kurtz has media and blogospheric roundup here.
Welcome GOPinion, National Journal's Hotline and Orbusmax readers!
Thanks for your continued Radio Equalizer support, via Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order!
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Justin, at 16 February, 2006 06:44
I watched the Franken segment last night, and in no way was he "unhinged." You might have thought he wasn't funny, but "unhinged?" Not last night.
He instead repeated a fairly basic question: If Dick Cheney felt so badly, why didn't he go to the hospital (instead, he ate dinner at the ranch and went to bed)? After all, would any of us not gone to the hospital if we seriously injured a friend (even though the ambulance was full, there are always cars).
And even if you feel this point is trivial, Brian's depiction of the Franken segment is simply innacurate. If you disagree Brian, have the guts to post the segment like you do others.
As for Cheney picking Hume: Hume is an admitted GOP partisan. If he wants to go with Fox, at least like Shephard Smith or Chris Wallace.
Justin, at 16 February, 2006 06:46
Hey, you liberal slapnuts--CHEW ON THIS!
"As for Cheney picking Hume: Hume is an admitted GOP partisan."
Got any proof??
The Real Bob Anthony, at 16 February, 2006 06:58
Patriot World,
Yes I do. He sheds his anchor role every Sunday morning for a conservative punditry role on the Sunday morning show hosted by Chris Wallace. He even sits in the far-left (from the viewer's POV) chair that is otherwise occupied by Fred Barnes when Hume is absent. He often even outflanks Bill Kristol on the pro-Bush/Cheney ship. No one watching that show -- conservative or liberal -- could miss Hume's political leanings.
Justin, at 16 February, 2006 07:58
OK crazy Leftists, particulary Dick. If Cheney wanted to kill Whittington (which is what you're insinuating) some questions have to be answered.
1. Why would he want him dead? There's no answer because there's no reason he would.
2. Why would he use what's essentially a BB gun? I don't see too many hitmen running around with Daisy rifles.
3. Why the hell would he do it himself, on the guy's property when who knows how many hundreds of people were well aware of where he was and that he was planning on going hunting with his long time friend? This part of the puzzle goes against the liberal characature of Cheney as an evil, manipulative and omnipotent emperor. Now, according to the wacky liberals, he has to resort to doing his dirty work himself? That's not how the media's version of Darth Cheney would go about business.
So many conspiracy theories, so little time I suppose.
Dr. T, at 16 February, 2006 12:12
PS. Thanks for giving me the deed to Sen. Cantwell's uterus. I've waited a long time for it
By Dick Tuck
Lokki, at 16 February, 2006 12:13
MSNBC? Liberal Talk? You mean the network that employs Tucker Carlson, Republican, Joe Scarborough, Republian, Rita Cosby, from FOX, Chris Matthews, the obsessed Clinton-hater who thinks every Democrat is a loony and every Republican (especially John McCain) is brilliant, and which uses Tony Blankley, the entire staff of the Weekly Standard and the NY Daily News as commentators, not to mention all the neocon retired military/cia types like Woolsey and Ken Allard?
Except for Keith Olbermann and Ron Reagan Jr., where is this "liberal talk" you speak of?
MSNBC is just Fox News in training. What's on your cable tV??? Oh,that's right, if they're not literally reading from Karl Rove's notebook like Fox does, they're "liberally biased..."
JReid, at 16 February, 2006 12:25
Okay, I had to be fair to Brian - even though he repeatedly shows (and has again) that he simply doens't deserve it...
I followed the link for the video you described as "unhinged Al Franken meltdown".
It, obviously to any reasoned person watching it (and, yes, the "reasoned" does automatically exclude the partisans), that Franken was neither unhinged, nor melting down.
Brian, I know you don't care about the truth - you've roundly proven that. I also know you don't care about misleading your fans, as they've already proven they're ready to tow the line for you, even if you've slathered it in shit...
But, for those of us who go that teensy extra mile and catch you in a direct lie - could you just please, please not stop the lying. It's so, so pathetic as to be funny.
Oh, and that line "three segments have now aired accusing Cheney of hunting while drunk." - then saying the first franken link is "topping them all", you deliberately mislead the reader into believing that Franken and/or Scarborough accused Cheney of being drunk - which they did not, which is again obvious to anyone watching the video...
Brian, Brian, Brian - how fun it is to watch you be so pathetic.
TJ, at 16 February, 2006 17:52
"accusing Cheney of being drunk"
lessee - followed Brian's link to the Franken video.
Franken "unhinged"? Nope - that was a lie.
Franken melted-down? Nope - that was a lie.
Franken/Scarborough (sp?) accused Cheney of "hunting while drunk"? - Oh, that was a big, big lie.
Video Two - Nope - no one accused Cheney of "hunting while drunk" in that one - another big, big lie from Brian.
Brian's quote - "Combined with Lawrence O'Donnell's fact-free assertions of the same nature, we now have an obvious trend: MSNBC is not willing to treat Cheney honestly or fairly."
--- wow, on this one, Brian is lying simply exceptionally. The link he provides is back to his OWN POST, in which O'donnell supposedly "Proving nothing is off the table, Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC and McLaughlin Group fame wants the public to believe Cheney had been drinking! "
Um - serious, serious note to Brian - Cheney HAD been drinking, which he himself admitted.
Pointing to your own incorrect statement to support your argument??? Bad, bad form.
Video three? Wow - no video three. Butbutbut, you mentioned THREE SEGMENTS having been aired accusing Cheney of hunting while drunk. And the first two you provided - nobody said "Cheney was drunk" or "Cheney may have been drunk" or "was he drunk?"
They only asked about his having had alcohol to drink - WHICH HE HAD.
Meanwhile, the O'Donnell column you link to does raise the question "Was Cheney Drunk?" - but it doesn't accuse. Nor does it assert.
And, considering all of the circumstances, it is obviously not an unreasonable question to raise.
Brian, you sad, pathetic liar. You lie, and lie, and lie, and your fan-fellow partisans will line up like braying mules to again attempt to drown-out reality in favor of party.
TJ, at 16 February, 2006 18:08
Dear Brian;
I want to Thank you for you daily (sort of) 'blog which I'm finding consistently entertaining and a must-read every day.
I haven't read the comments section much before, but it sure is a noticeable difference when you post Franken Stuff. Other times the comments seem positively . . . rational and reasoned, actually, as opposed to this flibbertygibbet bandersnatch oral diarrhea currently being left by the posters. (I've really got to find out what flavor that Kool-Aid is that the Franken Family's been serving at the picninc!)
Anyway, back to my original reason for posting:
Just who DOES Al Franken Know? (Or, as we used to say in the Army; Who is he Blowing?
Al Franken was not funny when he was a writer on the original incarnation of Saturday Night Live. He was not funny when he was added in subsequent seasons as part of the wretchedly un-funny "Comedy Team" of Franken & Davis (which is funny in and of itself; I think "Comedy Teams" went out with Martin & Lewis, didn't they? Even Teller's smart enough to know this -- which is why he lets Penn do all the talking.)
Franken (along with his erstwhile sidekick Davis) was spectacularly un-funny in Eddie Murphy & Dan Ackroy's Trading Places as the dopehead baggage handlers that put the Private Detective in the gorilla suit in a cage with a real gorilla to be raped for their own amusement.
Yet even after this highly questionable record of being entirely hunorless, Franken still managed to get another position as a regular on SNL; a place far greater comedians would ritually murder their entire families for. Then he somehow manages to get a daytime gig as host on the flagship show on Air America.
And the guy is just no funny. He's not funny; he's not good enough; he's not smart enough; and Dammit, NOBODY likes him!
And I mean that most sincerely.
And so, the question remains.
Whom is Mister Franken blowing?
or, more succintly, in the words of my esteemed Drill Sergeant; W-T-F???
J.D. Long, at 17 February, 2006 11:39
Thank you, 4th, for directly proving my point.
I now officially love you.
You chuckle to yourself in your false superiority about people (me) calling Brian a liar, without acknowledging that he did, in fact, lie!
Keep adding to this hilarity, please.
TJ, at 17 February, 2006 13:26
Congrats, FYI - you've found a complete rehash of the same irrelevant drivel that Brian's been trying to pin on Al all this time.
I mean, really - nothing in that article is at all new - other than the FACT that the author directly pointed to Evan Cohen as the culprit - that was a first.
Meanwhile, she herself goes on to ingore what she asserted, and branded it once again an "Air America Scandal" - her mouth must be sore from the doublespeak.
Congrats on that redundant find, FYI.
TJ, at 17 February, 2006 16:35
FYI's drivel - "al franken was aware ---he didn't and still doesn't care."
I'll one-up pbrauer on this one...
SO WHAT? What if Franken did know? What if Franken didn't care?
He was neither the cause, nor the remedy.
TJ, at 17 February, 2006 21:13
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