23 April 2006

Santa Cruz Sentinel, Michelle Malkin, FOX News Channel, UC-Santa Cruz


After UC-Santa Cruz-Inspired Threats, Malkins Pack Up

Days after receiving threatening emails and finding personal information plastered across the Internet by campus thugs, FOX News Channel contributor Michelle Malkin and her family are moving, according to the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

Known to students and locals alike as "Uncle Charlie's Summer Camp" and "UCk SuCk", the latest incident proves yet another black eye for the long-troubled University of California- Santa Cruz campus.

After Malkin published contact information from a publicly-distributed Students Against War press release, the violent anti-military group responded by disclosing private details, including her Maryland home address and phone number.

In a story published Saturday, Malkin told Sentinel reporter Roger Sideman, "I am now forced to remove one of my children from school and move my family."

(disclosure: Brian Maloney is a UCSC alum, served as a Sentinel correspondent as well as an area talk show host in the early and mid-nineties)

Mentioned in the piece, but not properly emphasized, is that SAW intended for public disclosure of their personal information, while Malkin gave no such authorization. After the anti-US military activists saw their numbers widely distributed, they attempted to withdraw them.

The cows were already out of the barn, however.

For the Sentinel, while making a slight attempt at balance, this piece continues a troubling recent campus suck-up trend. Yet the paper's readership is made up almost entirely of county residents, many of whom greatly resent the ever-expanding university.

Between the camps, the divide has never been greater, with community groups increasingly turning to litigation against the evil campus regime to stop unchecked growth.

Previously, the paper's reputation under one-time owners the McPherson family (including editor and current Republican California Secretary Of State Bruce McPherson) was conservative. To counter that now-ancient perception, the publication may be moving too far in the other direction.

A wild card: new publisher Molly Evans, who recently arrived from sister paper the Cape Cod Times. Memo to Molly: the campus brats, almost all from other regions of California, are never going to read your paper. Focus on the community.

More from the piece:

On April 11, Students Against War flushed military recruiters out of a campus job fair.

The next day, Malkin copied the cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses of three student activists at the demonstration from a news release intended for journalists and pasted them in her online column titled "Seditious Santa Cruz vs. America."

"I woke up in the morning and my cell had 14 new messages, 25 missed calls and it kept going on," said SAW member David Zlutnick, estimating the group's three media contacts have already sifted through 500 e-mails, more than 100 with death threats.

When students called Malkin to request she remove the student information, Malkin reposted the names and numbers several more times. She defended the decision, blaming SAW for posting a link to the news release on its Web site.

To Zlutnick, the retaliation Malkin got was simply "a taste of her own medicine."

"But to put all our energy into a cyber war with this crazy right-wing lady takes away from our larger mission to end the war," he said.

For Malkin, her family now bears the brunt of what notoriously- selfish UCSC activists didn't consider (because that would require caring about others): SAW disclosed details that put her children in danger.

Is that what they really want? Judging by the way they treat military recruiters, bodily harm doesn't much bother these spoiled babies.

Republishing their previously-disclosed out-of-town cell numbers (notice none had an 831/Monterey Bay area code?) didn't put any SAW activists in danger. There's simply no way to use these mobile numbers to track down the students in Santa Cruz.

Most troubling: that UCSC continues to receive state and federal funding for what is a deranged, politically partisan campus. For the Golden State, its continued existence truly damages the once-proud (but increasingly corrupt) University of California system.

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Top Malkin image: PBS, Deranged Slug graphic: SAW, paper images: Sentinel.


  1. The Sentinel posted a correction.
    Your "theory" that SAW put out the information is both misleading and laughable, and now proven completely inaccurate.

    Forget Olbermann, do YOU have enough integrity to acknowledge this?

  2. pr watcher:

    It's slapnuts like l-o that cause conservatives like myself to go postal--and just be lucky there's no gamma radaition around, or there may be some destruction going on.

    "we don't want her in America, and i'm sure she could find work diving for shiny silver dollars when the cruise ships dock."


    And even worse the paper printed a correction! A CORRECTION!

    You l-o are PROOF POSITIVE of liberals and their hatred for America! If this board has any integrity, YOUR RACIST COMMENT SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THIS BOARD!

  3. I agree with the first two paragraphs in Liberal Outlaw's post.

    I am shocked by the third paragraph, and find it extremely rascist and offensive.

    I don't think it should be removed though, It just goes to prove that people on both political sides are capable of saying some really hateful things. In no way does it prove that liberals hate America.
    That is just a rediculous comment.

  4. patriot-"boy":

    I read a lot of Bullshit in your post. But I didn't read any response to my specific request. Do I need my eyes checked? Or are you at a loss for real arguments, resorting to regurgitating hate-speech? Do facts and accuracy mean anything to you?

  5. PR Watcher:

    I don't understand. The correction merely says the information was released by an "internet blogger". The quotes from the organization in this OTHER article explicitly state that they are engaging in a (for them distractive) war with her.

    It certainly doesn't sound like they are disavowing the deed.


    In response, people sympathetic to the left,and probably peace-loving tolerant left-wingers themselves, published private information about Michelle and her family, in blogs that encouraged people to attack her verbally, to degrade and depersonalize her.

    Michelle has a web site and publishes her e-mail address, so ANYBODY can tell her what they think. The Students gave contact information so people could tell THEM what they thought.

    Telling people stirred up with hatred where they can find the object of their hate is simply inciting violence. Michelle didn't do that -- she published phone numbers, not the address of these student's parents and loved ones.

    It amazes me what the party of compassion will excuse in pursuit of their goal of stifling free speech and winning back power.

  6. Dick Tuck said: "Malkin violated a fundamental journalistic ethic by revealing phone numbers and names of people she disagreed with politically. What did she expect?"

    My question to Mr. Tuck would be: What precise "fundamental journalistic ethic" did she violate? Fair use? Copyright? Not being Grateful to Her Intellectual Betters? Having bad breath in the morning?

    If Mr. Tuck had read the April 11, 2006, release put out by UCSC SAW, he would have seen that it said, in all caps, "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE." It also had contact numbers and e-mail addy's for the three main organizers - information which remains posted TO THIS DAY on Orea Daily ("http://oreaddaily.blogspot.com/2006/04/military-recruiters-more-things-change.html") - a site that is most decidedly NOT friendly to those of the right. It was the SAW kids' fault for not setting up some kind of black hole website for collection of responses. Giving out their cell phone numbers was just plain stump-stoopid on their part.

    And this has resulted in some unwanted communication coming into their V-mail and E-mail, some of which has been less than complementary, to put it mildly. However, I don't see stories about their receiving threats against their families or children, or having to move from their homes because of their home phone numbers and addresses being publicized without their consent. If Dick Tuck cannot appreciate the level of degrees of rhetoric that has been spilled on this story, then rational discourse is beyond him.

    BTW - Oreadaily has been asked by their commenters to remove the personal info, but it remains posted.

    Now, Brian did get one thing horribly wrong with this post - the SAW kids did not put out Malkin's personal info, but it was one of their fellow traveler groups from the Kos Kommunity. I would hope that Brian makes a public correction about this post haste.

    That said - Michelle Malkin did not put out pictures of these kids' dorm rooms or houses. She did not put out home landline phone numbers - proof of that is that none of the phone numbers in the reproduced "press release" had an 831 area code which is the area code for Santa Cruz.

    As to the students receiving "death threats," what they have collectively received cannot come close in tone or scope to some of the odious junk Malkin has received in her E-mail and in her commentary before having to close it, typically of the variety portrayed up above by the liberal outlaw.

    I do not understand the collective fetish that the liberals have for Michelle Malkin vis-a-vis the Asian Whore fantasy, but I'm sure it would make for a fascinating session with your friendly local psychiatrist - or your friendly local massage parlor. Either way, it is regrettable that it has to be exposed again.

  7. There was a long post at DU with several links to the blog that published MM's personal info. They apparently removed the information itself, but they kept the links. While not everyone at DU is bad, there are several who in another time would happily be doing anything necessary to build communism.

    From the same general area and along the same lines, here's some info on California State University Monterey Bay.

  8. P-R:

    For starters I am 32 years old, so that boy comment stretched things quite far. Secondly my all caps rant was for l-o not you. Heat of the moment you know.

    Hate speech? People on the left sure know how to give it out. I am what you call a reactionary. I might even be labeled a neo-con and a xenophobe--labels I am proud to wear given my so-called "job" involves dealing with multi-culturalism. That happens to be another leftist buzzword that's a "four-letter word" to me!

    Back on topic, Michelle was trying to report what she saw on the web--a press release. Her own bio lists her journalistic credentials including working for the L-A Times and the Seattle Times.

  9. The SAW yahoos think they have an expectaction of privacy when they published their numbers in a PRESS RELEAESE on their own WEBSITE?

    Reminds me of the kind of kiddies who are surprised to find that MySpace isn't private.

  10. From L-O's first comment in this string: "understand that malkin spreads hate. her sole purpose in life is to people against each other, mainly turning conservatives against liberals. it's sickening."

    From L-O's latest comment in this string: "so, patriot world, because i hate malkin, you've somehow twisted that into me hating America? explain that, could you? because i'm pretty sure that i'm more American than malkin. my heritage has deeper roots in this country than hers, not to sound like an immigrant-hating-conservative there, just trying to prove my point."

    Pot. Kettle. Black.

  11. james - congratulations, you reposted what liberal outlaw said, and then used poor grammar to not prove a point. bravo.

  12. liberal outlaw wrote, "here's a tip for her - if she wants to move, why doesn't she just go back to the Phillipines?"

    So, liberal outlaw's response is that Michelle Malkin, a U.S. citizen, should leave her native land, which is the USA.

    Wow, what racism!

  13. Keep kicking fringe minority neoliberal ass, Michelle. We need more real American patriots like you to expose the anti-American traitors forcing their neocommunist hegemony on us.

    And BTW Brian you just got blogged. Check this out...
