Armed Forces Radio, George Soros, Curtis Sliwa, Laughing Liberally
Consultants Ignored, Dirty Liberal Comedy, Bad Soros
There's great news regarding Armed Forces Radio, which has been in the news after indicating it was considering dropping
political talk shows. Consultants hired by the military recently recommended dumping talk and country music, to be replaced by rap and hip-hop.
If enacted, the changes would have meant the end of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity reaching troops stationed overseas. But AFRTS balked at the survey's findings, according to Stars and Stripes:
Was the instant outcry over these proposed changes a factor in their decision to keep the shows? We don't know.
Air America Radio sugar daddy George Soros has seen an insider trading conviction against him upheld, according to the International Herald Tribune:
What about his slimy role in the Asian Currency Crisis of the 1990s? Love that "first blemish" line in the story. George seems to have friends in the liberal press all over the world.
National Review's David Finnigan has a scathing review of the "Laughing Liberally" comedy tour, which has Air America ties:
In a weak moment, WABC morning co-host Curtis Sliwa admits that he gave in to mafia bullying, according to the New York Daily News:
More updates coming soon.
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Soros images: Pete at IHillary
Consultants Ignored, Dirty Liberal Comedy, Bad Soros
There's great news regarding Armed Forces Radio, which has been in the news after indicating it was considering dropping

If enacted, the changes would have meant the end of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity reaching troops stationed overseas. But AFRTS balked at the survey's findings, according to Stars and Stripes:
WASHINGTON — American Forces Radio listeners could hear some music changes in coming months but won’t lose their talk radio, according to the deputy assistant secretary of Defense for internal communications.
Allison Barber said officials won’t follow a media consultant’s recommendations that military radio drop Rush Limbaugh, National Public Radio and other talk shows in some markets in favor of potentially more popular music offerings.
A report from Lund Media Research commissioned by military radio officials had recommended breaking away from the one-music, one-talk format in regions with two radio stations, instead replacing it with two music stations playing more popular genres and dropping country music. The consultants recommended a politics/country music station only for regions with more than two stations.
But last week, Armed Forces Radio and Television Service officials decided not to make any immediate programming changes based on those suggestions.
“This research is a good benchmark for us … but there are recommendations that we’re not going to implement,” Barber said. “And the issue of taking political talk off of the radio is something that we’re not going to do.”
Was the instant outcry over these proposed changes a factor in their decision to keep the shows? We don't know.

The highest court in France on Wednesday rejected a bid by George Soros, the billionaire investor, to overturn a conviction for insider trading in a case dating back nearly 20 years, leaving the first blemish on his five-decade investing career.
The panel, the Cour de Cassation, upheld the conviction of Soros, 75, an American citizen, for buying and selling Société Générale shares in 1988 after receiving information about a planned corporate raid on the bank.
Ron Soffer, his lawyer, said Soros planned to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights, saying that the length of the proceedings had prevented his client from having a fair trial.
"The investigation started in 1989," he said. "The appeals trial occurred in 2004. How can you call witnesses and ask them about what happened in 1988?" The French stock market regulatory authority investigated the matter separately and concluded that Soros had not violated the law or any ethical rules, Soffer said.
The French authorities have not yet determined what fine Soros will pay.
What about his slimy role in the Asian Currency Crisis of the 1990s? Love that "first blemish" line in the story. George seems to have friends in the liberal press all over the world.
National Review's David Finnigan has a scathing review of the "Laughing Liberally" comedy tour, which has Air America ties:
Didn’t our moms tell us that the only people who used four-letter words were the ones who didn’t have anything more intelligent to say? Some Democratic friends recently did their best to rehabilitate that maternal axiom when, as part of the “Laughing Liberally” comedy tour’s stop in Los Angeles on June 3rd, one comedian called Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a “ghetto homegirl bitch” and referred to commentator Ann Coulter with the highly vulgar c-word for a part of the female anatomy.

Guardian angels' founder Curtis Sliwa says he first went to the NYPD and FBI after his son's life was threatened by thugs, then in desperation penned a letter to the man he holds responsible for his 1992 shooting.
"For the first time in my life I felt weak," Sliwa said of the decision to write reputed crime boss John A. (Junior) Gotti. "I definitely would not have reached out to my enemy if it were not for little Anthony Chester's vulnerability."
Sliwa said he never intended the letter to become public but hoped the mob scion could quietly intercede with those who invoked the Gotti name while threatening the WABC radio host and his 2-1/2-year-old son during four recent public appearances.
More updates coming soon.
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Soros images: Pete at IHillary
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