Janeane Garofalo Leaves Air America, NPR, O'Reilly Factor
On NPR, Garofalo's AAR Exit Finally Confirmed
Though you wouldn't know it from looking at Air America's website, hotheaded actress / comedian / political activist Janeane Garofalo's departure from the struggling liberal talk radio outfit has now finally been made clear.
To get straight answers regarding the network's near-constant personnel departures, it apparently takes an entire village!
The Radio Equalizer first broke this story on June 30th, but the mainstream press has so far ignored it.
Bringing confirmation of Janeane's Air America status was the host of NPR's "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" weekend comedy show, which was taped Thursday evening in Chicago.
Featuring Garofalo as its weekly "not my job" guest, the program's host introduced her as a "former Air America host", which she didn't dispute. Thanks to Dr. Scott Drury for the tip!
During the show, she also maintained that she really did recently have jury duty (in a federal court), though we still wonder how someone as opinionated as Garofalo could end up on a panel without at least one side objecting to her presence.
As to why Janeane rejoined Air America Friday for one last show, we don't know, perhaps it was intended to trick Bill O'Reilly ahead of your Radio Equalizer's guest appearance there last Tuesday.
At the time, a company spokeswoman gave FOX News a seemingly confusing answer when asked about Garofalo's fate. Including an indication that she would "return" on Friday, AAR said her future role would be affected by other "professional pursuits".
If you think Air America wouldn't resort to such a sneaky tactic, you simply haven't been following their strange corporate antics, especially over the last year. Quite often, undermining O'Reilly seems more important to the company than keeping their own programs running smoothly.
Even now, Air America is busy confusing its listeners: on the official website, Garofalo is still listed as "Majority Report" co-host, while at the program's privately administered site, this conflicting set of notes appears:

Just below that (this must be Sam Seder):

Could these guys ever be upfront about anything?
Meanwhile, on NPR, Garofalo sounded more relaxed, comfortable and downright happy than we've heard her in years. At least for the moment, the intense anger and bitterness that has become a standard part of her public appearances seems to have disappeared.
Will shedding the albatross known as Air America bring about a return of the previous, far more appealing Garofalo than the one we've recently seen?
Welcome Viking Pundit and Orbusmax readers!
MONDAY UPDATE: We're told today that Janeane will return this week for a series of "farewell" shows.
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, help to support the Radio Equalizer's efforts. Thanks for your vital assistance!
Where's Garofalo: Pete at IHillary, Getting Canned For Dummies, Trump: David A Lunde, top right Garofalo image: NPR
On NPR, Garofalo's AAR Exit Finally Confirmed

To get straight answers regarding the network's near-constant personnel departures, it apparently takes an entire village!
The Radio Equalizer first broke this story on June 30th, but the mainstream press has so far ignored it.
Bringing confirmation of Janeane's Air America status was the host of NPR's "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" weekend comedy show, which was taped Thursday evening in Chicago.
Featuring Garofalo as its weekly "not my job" guest, the program's host introduced her as a "former Air America host", which she didn't dispute. Thanks to Dr. Scott Drury for the tip!

As to why Janeane rejoined Air America Friday for one last show, we don't know, perhaps it was intended to trick Bill O'Reilly ahead of your Radio Equalizer's guest appearance there last Tuesday.
At the time, a company spokeswoman gave FOX News a seemingly confusing answer when asked about Garofalo's fate. Including an indication that she would "return" on Friday, AAR said her future role would be affected by other "professional pursuits".

Even now, Air America is busy confusing its listeners: on the official website, Garofalo is still listed as "Majority Report" co-host, while at the program's privately administered site, this conflicting set of notes appears:

Janeane Garofalo is back!
Henry Rollins, legendary punk rock singer, author, activist, and host of The Henry Rollins Show on IFC TV, currently on tour with The Rollins Band
Steve Clemons, blogger from The Washington Note
Juan Cole, University of Michigan professor and blogger at Informed Comment
More Guest Info For Tonight's Show
Just below that (this must be Sam Seder):

Now that Janeane has officially left the show I can finally hold the radio style contests I had always dreamt of but she never let me do!!!
Try and guess how many times we will play this on tuesday's show.
(Monday I'm off- we're doing a book reading at the strand on broadway and 12th.)
Winner gets a free MRR DVD, Hat, Mouse pad, copy of FUBAR and Josh's desk (for real).
Could these guys ever be upfront about anything?
Meanwhile, on NPR, Garofalo sounded more relaxed, comfortable and downright happy than we've heard her in years. At least for the moment, the intense anger and bitterness that has become a standard part of her public appearances seems to have disappeared.
Will shedding the albatross known as Air America bring about a return of the previous, far more appealing Garofalo than the one we've recently seen?
Welcome Viking Pundit and Orbusmax readers!
MONDAY UPDATE: We're told today that Janeane will return this week for a series of "farewell" shows.
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, help to support the Radio Equalizer's efforts. Thanks for your vital assistance!
Where's Garofalo: Pete at IHillary, Getting Canned For Dummies, Trump: David A Lunde, top right Garofalo image: NPR
Way to go. You were ahead of the curve again on this one with your earlier posts.
It's striking to see the blatant hypocrisy the lefties use in an attempt to spin the truth.
They first fought every suggestion you posted on Garofalo's departure right up to the final month. And now they are singing a different song... Oh, this was just "a non-story".
This sort of public self-humiliation by the wackos must make your job even more enjoyable.
Sweet! Keep up the great work.
Let's see if the #1 distorter of truth, Franken, can be next!
The Benson Report, at 16 July, 2006 17:44
Your blog has as many readers as Air America has listeners - none.
none, at 16 July, 2006 18:18
Elle Monica,
And your point is..?
Comparing a personal blog to AAR's site is a bit of a stretch.
If you had checked, you would have seen my site has comments turned off, to avoid the numb-nut comments.
The Benson Report, at 16 July, 2006 18:47
Cspank, Janeane has never on the air mentioned leaving the network, she did talk about not being on the payroll, which she didn't elaborate upon.
Brian Maloney, at 16 July, 2006 19:39
Since only your mother reads your blog why don't you save the little bandwidth your site uses and take up a new hobby such as lawn bowling.
none, at 16 July, 2006 19:59
Where should we start with this one?
Your Donald Trump graphic says that Garafalo was fired. Are you sure about that? Did she have a contract she was working under, or had her contract already expired?
Perhaps if you listened to the Majority Report, rather than relying on "tips" from other people, you would be more informed.
Regarding her Jury duty: you question whether she could actually ever get on a jury without one side or the other objecting to her presence. If you listened to the show, you would know that she was on a grand jury. I guess she was able to do that, since just one side was presenting evidence. I think you could do this to Brian, since you are used to just looking at one side of things.
You propose the theory that Janeane appeared on the Majority Report friday for "one last show" to trick Bill O'Reilly, ahead of your big guest appearance. What is your theory as to why Janeane is supposed to be on the Majority Report at least three days this coming week? Who do you think she could be trying to fool, Michelle Malkin?
Having listened to friday's Majority Report, I can say that the "conflicting set of notes" from the Majority Report website was completely accurate in it's description of the show. I guess accuracy in reporting confuses some people.
Ezsuds, at 16 July, 2006 21:29
It is a real shame I have to read the comments to get the real truth regarding the departure of Janeane Garafalo.
P.S. Pleae don't ban Sam Seder. Someone needs to expose the lies.
I suppose with your redesigning of your website soon you will probably implement a different comment system and will be able to suppress the truth like a good Neocon puppet.
none, at 17 July, 2006 00:07
janeane is leaving. wow. who really gives a shit?
maloney, is the reason that you only report on meaningless radio workings because you are afraid to tackle REAL issues? i'm fairly certain that the looming wars between the Middle Eastern countries, as well as the missile testing in North Korea are far more important to people these days.
But I guess that's what you righties don't get. go ahead and bicker about AAR while we tackle the real issues. and while you're at it, lose sleep over gay marriage and flag burning while we try to figure out how to disarm North Korea without any troops because our president has them all fighting in Iraq's civil war.
hardcore conservative genious, at 17 July, 2006 09:14
Good riddance to boring rubbish.
Those lib talkers are really tearing up the Arbitrons just like they said they would. There was a demand for this kind of radio in America, right? After all, it was called "The Majority Report," right?
Where is the "majority?"
Reminds me of the Spinal Tap scene where DeBergy (Reiner) asks Ian the band manager if the band's inability to fill larger venues is a sign of their waining popularity. He replies "Oh no no...no. I just think their appeal is becoming more selective."
Good Lieutenant, at 17 July, 2006 09:16
A little off topic, but a sentence in this Washington Post article caught my attention.
The sentence, in the third paragraph:
Several alliance donors are negotiating a major investment in Air America, a liberal talk-radio network.
What's more interesting is the criteria for receiving investments earlier in the story: ...willing to submit to its extensive screening process and its demands for secrecy
Rich in MT, at 17 July, 2006 10:57
The reason B.M. didn't say anything about Marc Maron leaving is because B.M. is not a real journalist and doesn't actually "report" on anything. He just likes to drop little bits of innuendo here and there.
@whut, at 18 July, 2006 00:16
Reminds me of the Spinal Tap scene where DeBergy (Reiner) asks Ian the band manager if the band's inability to fill larger venues is a sign of their waining popularity. He replies "Oh no no...no. I just think their appeal is becoming more selective."
No, listening to right-wing radio is akin to choking on vomit .. actually choking on someone else's vomit. -- Nigel Tufnel
Good Lieutenant, you are such a useful tool, quoting something that the Spinal Tap writers likely take pride in. Harry Shearer, himself a member of the Spinal Tap trio, has been running a syndicated weekly radio show for the past twenty years, playing to an extremely selective audience. To the people that enjoy his humor, they will seek it out. Just because you don't get how people can enjoy a good dose of weekly satire, doesn't mean it shouldn't have a place on the radio dial.
What a knob, what a small green stain globule of a knob you are.
@whut, at 18 July, 2006 00:47
"wht" =
"What a knob, what a small green stain globule of a knob you are."
Waaah!Waaaah! You're a doodeyhead! Don't insult Air America!
Is that the best AA listeners have got? Enjoy the last year and a half of your boondoggle of a "network."
Your mash-the-keypad response is de facto proof that AA's appeal is becoming more selective - hence, the entire AA audience is here at Radio Equalizer on a regular basis to fling verbal feces at their percieved enemies. All five of you.
"you are such a useful tool, quoting something that the Spinal Tap writers likely take pride in. "
Damn straight. It got your panties all up in a wad. Now go back to bed, child. Put on a stream of the Al Franken show if you need help dozing off.
Good Lieutenant, at 18 July, 2006 04:44
You sound like a reasonable fellow. If I may submit a proposition, see what you think. Forgive me for being general - I'm just trying to get the basic point across.
There is not a national market for liberal talk radio for two general reasons.
The first is that the major news networks, the vast majority of popular musicians, TV personalities and Hollywood celebrities (the denizens of TV, movie and music popular culture) are decidedly liberal, and thus have a constant and large platform from which to get their "message" out. Their market has already been saturated many times over. Their message has been getting out for decades, and everyone knows what the left thinks by now. Its not new or fresh (and is why conservative radio "filled a gap" on the market).
This leads to my second (three pronged) proposition - left-wing ideas are simply not as popular in America as many liberals would like to think. Sure - there is a sizable lib monopoly TV and movie content, which are highly influential media(however flawed this is).Once you get outside of a major city and the "glitz" of Hollywood, there's a reasonably good chance that you aren't going to find large swaths of Blue-state liberalism.
Much of AA's content revoloves around a)trashing Republicans (gee, that's never been done on TV before), b) being rather "down" on America and traditional "American" values (this does not play well at all in the heartlands), and c)like you mentioned, there is a lack of compelling radio-centric talent advocating for the cause. As some of the AA hosts are slowly learning - making the transition from TV or movies(shallow, cold media) to radio (a long-form, hot medium) is a great deal harder than Rush and Co. make it seem. Don't forget - Rush started out small, and as the butt of jokes to many liberals, but it turned out that he was voicing the views of a great many people who felt that their views were not beig represented on TV or in Hollywood. Hence, Rush and Co. spent the better part of the 90's (during a Democrat presidency) building on that premise. They turned out to be right, and it took liberals about 15 years to realize truly how influential a medium radio could be. Unfortunately for AA, it looks to be too little too late.
Good Lieutenant, at 18 July, 2006 11:15
@whut, at 18 July, 2006 22:39
How substantive.
Anyone else?
Good Lieutenant, at 18 July, 2006 23:02
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