San Diego, Los Angeles Radio Ratings Breakdowns
Rush, Hannity, Others Surge, Libtalk Mixed
With detailed radio ratings breakdowns now available for Los Angeles and San Diego, here's how key programs fared (all numbers represent adults 25-54 in the spring 2007 report):
Rush Limbaugh surged in both markets, up 25% in Los Angeles and 64% in San Diego. Heard there on KOGO-AM, El Rushbo has the highest average quarter- hour audience of any host in the region.
Sean Hannity saw a 125% gain in Los Angeles, which helped KABC begin to pull out of a long slump, while his audience grew by 10% in San Diego.
Dr Laura's recent time slot move at KOGO led to a 13% gain there, while she maintained her recent strong ratings at KFI in Los Angeles. There, she has the highest average quarter- hour audience of any AM news- talk host, a key measurement.

Mark Levin was up 38% in San Diego, where he's heard on KFMB-AM and 144% in Los Angeles, where he was another factor in KABC's climb.
Bill O'Reilly gained 57% in Los Angeles (KABC) and realized a 14% increase in San Diego (KFMB).
Michael Savage's show was up 39% in San Diego, he's no longer heard on a major Los Angeles station.
Local hosts were mixed, with KABC's Larry Elder up 92%, Doug McIntyre gaining 138%, Al Rantel increasing by 45%, KFI's Bill Handel down 21%, John & Ken down 9% and John Ziegler dropping 24%.
In San Diego, Rick Roberts moved up 67% at KFMB and Roger Hedgecock was flat in a market with far too little local programming.
Libtalk was mixed: in Los Angeles, Stephanie Miller was up 150% on KTLK, Thom Hartmann gained 20%, Randi Rhodes +117%, Marc Germain (Mr KABC) up 43% and Ed Schultz up 33%.
In San Diego, "progressive" talk collapsed on KLSD, which had been a very strong station for the format: Hartmann fell 72%, Schultz down 54%, Rhodes, -86% and Mike Malloy dropped 77%.
Overall, these numbers are incredible, perhaps Senator Lott was correct: talk radio is running the country!
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Technorati tags: talk radio los angeles radio ratings san diego radio ratings kabc kfi kfmb kogo ktlk klsd
Rush, Hannity, Others Surge, Libtalk Mixed

In San Diego, Rick Roberts moved up 67% at KFMB and Roger Hedgecock was flat in a market with far too little local programming.

In San Diego, "progressive" talk collapsed on KLSD, which had been a very strong station for the format: Hartmann fell 72%, Schultz down 54%, Rhodes, -86% and Mike Malloy dropped 77%.
Overall, these numbers are incredible, perhaps Senator Lott was correct: talk radio is running the country!
FOR newer stories, see our main page.
FOR Boston- area talk radio updates, see our other site. New: ratings updates!
SAVE Internet radio: it's nearly too late!
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, help to further this site's efforts.
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Technorati tags: talk radio los angeles radio ratings san diego radio ratings kabc kfi kfmb kogo ktlk klsd
Brian, Michael Savage is aired on 830 KLAA-AM in Los Angeles, the 4th most powerful AM station in the region.
Ferdinand Bardamu, at 27 July, 2007 15:07
Brian, what about Salem's KRLA (870 AM)?
Unknown, at 27 July, 2007 15:50
Welcome National Review readers- you might need to scroll up to see the ratings data.
Mike, here's KRLA (note that the station overall has only a 0.8 share of adults 25-54, so gains and losses can look exaggerated):
Laura Ingraham: +133%
Dennis Prager: +10%
Michael Medved: -29%
Hugh Hewitt: +125%
Dennis Miller: +150%
Brian Maloney, at 27 July, 2007 17:48
For KLAA, here are the numbers, keep in mind that the station overall has a tiny 0.1 share of the 25-54 audience:
Glenn Beck: 0.2 share 0% change
Midmorning Infomericals: 0.0 0% change
Jerry Doyle: 0.0 0% change
Michael Savage: 0.4 +33% change
Rusty Humphries: 0.2 +100% change
Brian Maloney, at 27 July, 2007 17:51
Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly all up once again!
Hmmm! That does not jive with the hype from truthers on the wacko left. Maybe the auditors should have a talk with the crazies. It would be interesting to find out how the "progressives" come up with their delusional and imaginary audience numbers.
The Benson Report, at 28 July, 2007 18:54
Spelling Lesson:
elmonica, at 28 July, 2007 20:53
Elle Monika
Hey sweetie, thanks for the tips.
Always nice to have a supporter offering some improvements.
Keep up the good work.
The Benson Report, at 28 July, 2007 22:51
Welcome. You are correct in thanking me Benson since I am promoting your blog while providing constructive criticism at the same time.
elmonica, at 29 July, 2007 00:49
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