Sharpton Show: GOP Actively Conspiring To Disallow Black Vote
Lefty Fear Campaign Asserts Voter Suppression
Using slanderous misstatements of fact, "progressives" are busy scaring their own into believing Republicans will actively prevent African-Americans from voting in 2012.
Though it's been done before, this election cycle has seen a more stealth (but no less prevalent) fright campaign focused on lefty blogs, talk radio and cable.
And despite his supposed "mainstream" reputation these days, Al Sharpton has allowed his radio program to spread this falsehood, often via a co-host or guest.
During yesterday's syndicated show, Sharpton fill-in host Andre Eggleston did his bit for the Smear Machine, even throwing a fabricated "paraphrased" statement supposedly by Senator Mitch McConnell into the rant as "evidence":
Lost in the argument here is how exactly Republicans plan to bar black voters from the polls, but other libs claim voter ID laws somehow discourage African-Americans.
Any data to back that up? Need we even ask?
Lefty Fear Campaign Asserts Voter Suppression
Using slanderous misstatements of fact, "progressives" are busy scaring their own into believing Republicans will actively prevent African-Americans from voting in 2012.

And despite his supposed "mainstream" reputation these days, Al Sharpton has allowed his radio program to spread this falsehood, often via a co-host or guest.
During yesterday's syndicated show, Sharpton fill-in host Andre Eggleston did his bit for the Smear Machine, even throwing a fabricated "paraphrased" statement supposedly by Senator Mitch McConnell into the rant as "evidence":
ANDRE EGGLESTON (AL SHARPTON GUEST - 19 DEC 2011) (45:02): Eric Holder may have waited too late to try to do something about the drive by the right wing to try and right this election.
I mean they [Republicans] don’t want black folk to vote. This is a blood-won right. Mitch McConnell even said 'voting is working out for us too well' to paraphrase what he had to say.
Lost in the argument here is how exactly Republicans plan to bar black voters from the polls, but other libs claim voter ID laws somehow discourage African-Americans.
Any data to back that up? Need we even ask?
When there are longstanding Church of Racism choirmembers gullable to any of Rev Al's utterances, he believes they'll buy into anything, most likely.
If you're black you can be set mentally free by escaping from Al's plantation and actually think for yourself and be successful.
Donna Ingind, at 22 December, 2011 17:42
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