Al Franken Campaign Contributors, Minnesota US Senate Race
Frankenspin Can't Mask Truth About Contributions
Does Al Franken believe Minnesota's voters are stupid?
What else explains his spinmeistering after news that the overwhelming majority of his campaign dollars are coming from outside the North Star State?
Why does this issue matter? Because Stuart's been working overtime to convince voters his US Senate effort has popular local support, despite a whopping 82% of his monetary contributions coming from other parts of the country.
By contrast, only 32% of DFL Party primary opponent Mike Ciresi's dough came from out of state, while that was the case for 50% of incumbent Norm Coleman's re- election funds.
Previously, we mistakenly thought that only 25% of his contributions came from elsewhere, so it turns out your Radio Equalizer badly underestimated the severity of Franken's situation.
The bottom line is this: Franken's candidacy represents a blatant attempt by Hollywood elitists to install one of their own into the US Senate.
And Minnesota is being used for this purpose simply because Al thinks he can sucker the locals. Once it was clear his talk radio career was going nowhere, Stuart suddenly embraced a state he'd left behind long ago.
To Franken, however, this unpleasant detail merely represents another opportunity for spin and deceit, as correctly noted by the Minnesota GOP's spokesperson in this Boston Examiner story:
As the campaigns continue to heat up, the big question is whether Franken can successfully sucker not only his political party, but the entire state as well.
Watch for the suckerfish, that's when you'll know Stuart's tired political routine is headed your way.
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Technorati tags: talk radio al franken franken campaign contributions norm coleman minnesota dfl party franken hollywood
Frankenspin Can't Mask Truth About Contributions
Does Al Franken believe Minnesota's voters are stupid?
What else explains his spinmeistering after news that the overwhelming majority of his campaign dollars are coming from outside the North Star State?

By contrast, only 32% of DFL Party primary opponent Mike Ciresi's dough came from out of state, while that was the case for 50% of incumbent Norm Coleman's re- election funds.
Previously, we mistakenly thought that only 25% of his contributions came from elsewhere, so it turns out your Radio Equalizer badly underestimated the severity of Franken's situation.
The bottom line is this: Franken's candidacy represents a blatant attempt by Hollywood elitists to install one of their own into the US Senate.
And Minnesota is being used for this purpose simply because Al thinks he can sucker the locals. Once it was clear his talk radio career was going nowhere, Stuart suddenly embraced a state he'd left behind long ago.
To Franken, however, this unpleasant detail merely represents another opportunity for spin and deceit, as correctly noted by the Minnesota GOP's spokesperson in this Boston Examiner story:
In the Federal Election Commission reports, Coleman listed 470 donors from Minnesota compared to 366 for Franken. But because the FEC reports list only contributions of $200 or more, that isn't a complete picture.
Franken's campaign said that overall, more than 4,000 people gave to Franken from Minnesota; Coleman's campaign reported 3,500 donors from in state.
The Republican Party had complained about Franken raising money from "far-left friends outside our state."
"I wonder what the Republican Party's talking points will be now that they've found out that more Minnesotans supported Al Franken than Norm Coleman," said Franken spokeswoman Jess McIntosh.
"Al Franken may not like it, but the fact is that overwhelming majority of his donors come from outside Minnesota," said Mark Drake, a spokesman for the Minnesota Republican Party.
As the campaigns continue to heat up, the big question is whether Franken can successfully sucker not only his political party, but the entire state as well.
Watch for the suckerfish, that's when you'll know Stuart's tired political routine is headed your way.
FOR Boston- area talk radio updates, see our other site.
SAVE Internet radio: the fight continues!
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, help to further this site's efforts.
Or, if you would prefer, please contribute at the Honor System box in the upper right corner. Thanks again!
Technorati tags: talk radio al franken franken campaign contributions norm coleman minnesota dfl party franken hollywood
So Al Franken is "MR OUTTA-STATE" even though the article states that he received donations from more people IN-STATE than did Norm Coleman.
"Franken found a larger number of individual donors, including a larger number of in-state donors."
You claim "The bottom line is this: Franken's candidacy represents a blatant attempt by Hollywood elitists to install one of their own into the US Senate."
Kind of funny, because 3 weeks ago you were wondering if the "Hollywood elitists" were "failing to come through for Al Franken during his US Senate run?"
Were you aware that in the first quarter, "Coleman raised two and half times as much from southern California as he did from Minneapolis ; more from the Phoenix metro area than from St. Paul; more from New York City than from Wayzata, and more from Washington D.C. than from Minnetonka. Donors from Naples, Florida (population: 22,000) also beat out Minnesota's capital city of St. Paul (population: 287,151)."
What percentage of Franken's contributions come from "Hollywood elitists"? Do you have an exact dollar amount that they contributed in the second quarter? I'd be interested to know, since he outraised Coleman by about $300,000 in the quarter.
It seems to me that the big money is behind Coleman. "Coleman clearly got more money per donor, reflecting a large number of PAC contributions." Do you have their PAC contribution totals for the second quarter? In the first quarter Coleman received more than $470,000 from PACs , while Franken received just $18,000.
You think Franken is Mr. Outta-State. I think Coleman is the PAC-MAN.
Ezsuds, at 25 July, 2007 21:55
I'll link to this post, but I need to see charts first.
Completely seriously, a few charts showing who's getting how much from where - maybe even scatter plots - would go a long way towards making this understandable.
LonewackoDotCom, at 25 July, 2007 22:23
There is a serious problem with Ezsuds posting.
He is basing his opinions on the information from the completely biased Strib.
The Benson Report, at 25 July, 2007 22:32
Maloney, you are a serial distorter of the truth and a lying weasel.
As Ezsuds mentions, the most meaningful statistic in that article is the fact 4,000 in-state people gave money to Franken versus 3,500 for Coleman.
Whether Coleman gets $200 from a fat cat like Benson who enjoys eating out regularly at the all you can eat buffet in town, or a single mother of two who donates $20 doesn't really matter. Why? Because each of them is entitled to one vote.
So go shove your percentages up your butt Maloney because you are as convincing with your analysis of the numbers as Alberto Gonzalez is at telling the truth.
elmonica, at 25 July, 2007 23:13
Benson wrote:
"There is a serious problem with Ezsuds posting.
He is basing his opinions on the information from the completely biased Strib."
Benson, is the "Strib" not telling the truth about the fundraising of Franken and Coleman?
What would be an unbiased source? How about the FEC?
For the 2007-2008 MN Senate campaign:
Norm Coleman-
Individual Contributions
Non-Party(e.g. PACs) or other Committees
Al Franken-
Individual Contributions
Non-Party(e.g. PACs) or other Committees
So Franken's contributions from individals are more than three times the individual contributions to Coleman.
Coleman's PAC contibutions are over $800,000 more than Franken's, infact they are nearly 29 times as large.
Your turn!
Ezsuds, at 26 July, 2007 00:04
The above FEC link now shows
Norm Coleman-
Individual Contributions
rather than the previously reported
Still it's more than $1,000,000 LESS than Franken received in contributions from individuals.
Still waiting for a response from the Franken naysayers.
Ezsuds, at 27 July, 2007 13:02
Two comments:
Elmonica said:
Coleman gets $200 from a fat cat like Benson who enjoys eating out regularly at the all you can eat buffet in town
Have you been hanging out with GregRocker? You have an interesting take on what a "fat cat" is.
While you "spilled a lot of ink", you have done nothing to dispel the notion that Franken has received a disproportionate amount of cash from outside MN, where his potential voters are. You can continue to try to divert attention to PACs, which are, by definition , something entirely different than individual donors. (How about some more updates?)
Senator Clinton was looking for a theme song for her campaign. I have one for Franken: The Beatles' "I'm a Loser". Just a thought.
Chromium, at 27 July, 2007 14:17
missouri show me wrote:
"You can continue to try to divert attention to PACs, which are, by definition , something entirely different than individual donors. (How about some more updates?)"
It's difficult to figure exactly who gave what to Franken and Coleman, because the FEC site only shows those that gave $200.00 or more. It's one thing to look at the dollars raised, it's another thing to focus on the number of individual donors(or their residency).
In the end, the number of people from Minnesota who support a candidate, will be the determining factor in who becomes the next Senator from the state. People vote, dollars don't.
According to the my first response. "Franken found a larger number of individual donors, including a larger number of in-state donors."
Ezsuds, at 27 July, 2007 23:49
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