The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

07 February 2005

MA: Latino Activists Protest English Public Meeting

We've brought this on ourselves, I'm afraid, by changing society from one where people learn to live and communicate together to another that preaches diversity and differences.

Why learn the language when you can protest English-only public meetings instead?

(Boston Herald) WORCESTER, Mass. - Members of a Latino group are furious at a state representative who they claim demanded that a planned meeting be English-only, a published report said Monday.
Spanish speakers from the group Neighbor to Neighbor complained that Rep. John Binienda's request is a slap in the face to his Latino constituents, who make up one-tenth of his district.
The grassroots political organization sent a letter to the Worcester Democrat, claiming his request amounts to discrimination, the Telegram & Gazette of Worcester reported.
Maria M. Cruz, a Spanish-speaking Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer, said through a translator that she was disappointed.
``When we show up to vote no one asks us what language we speak, they accept our vote,'' she said.


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