The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

11 January 2005

Should the DNC Listen to ANYBODY from Mass.?

Do Massachusetts Democrats really believe they are in tune with America? That the DNC can reverse its fortunes listening to anyone from the land of Dukakis, Kerry and Ted Kennedy? How many more election disasters does it take before it sinks in?

Here you have the their best shot at picking up some moderate Catholic Bush voters in a long time and the windsurfing crowd wants to shoot it down. As a Republican, all I can say is thanks for not getting it together, Democrats!

(Boston Herald)
WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party said Monday that it would be ``extremely foolish'' for Democrats to chose someone who opposes abortion rights to lead the party.
Phil Johnston, who heads the Democrats in losing presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry's home state, spoke out amid news of former Rep. Tim Roemer's decision to seek the national party's chairmanship.
``The fact that we lost the 2004 presidential race by a narrow margin should not result in the abandonment of our party's core principles,'' Johnston said.
Democrats, he said, can only regain the White House by choosing someone who can articulate the values of the party and strengthen its grass-roots organization.
``It would be extremely foolish if the DNC were to be led by a chair who agrees with the Bush administration's position on abortion,'' Johnston said.
Roemer, a Catholic from Indiana who opposes abortion, said he respects the position of Democrats who favor abortion rights and have written it into their party platform.


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